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crew members sought for the 2022 season.  enjoy the weekly adventure of providing organic vegetables our csa members and weekly farmers market customers.  workers start in march/April and wrap up around thanksgiving.  we hire throughout the season as well and often work around the school year/life changes.

for 2022, the farm is looking for 4-6 workers.  hours are 16-40+ weekly, dependent on skill and abilities.

Are you a good fit checklist

-i like to work outside

-dirt and sweat are my friend

-i enjoy learning new skills

-i love working hard

-i want to live/work with the seasons

-It excites me to see the farm change as the year progresses

-i like new challenges

-I'd like to work with other like-minded individuals

-i enjoy engaging with customers at farmers markets.


contact damien to set up an interview. phone or email.

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